Sunday, September 6, 2009

A New School Year

Below are some pictures taken the first week of school.
The children selected topics and wrote about one aspect of our school day or classroom.

Ginelli and Luis practice their multipliction tables.
Ginelli writes:
We have a playground. I play on the see-saw. I swing. I go down the slide. I play with Sulmi and Kristel.

We have many rules at school. Jesus said that all of the rules can be summed up into one: Love each other. Luis drew a "LOVE" picture and brought it to school.
Luis writes:
Miss Marshall teaches us about the Bible. We learn. We have a Bible verse book. We write a verse and draw a picture.

Hipolito and Sair play a game with multiplication flashcards
When break is finished we line up.
The teacher says, "No talking. Look forward."
The teacher tells us we can go in the room and sit at our desks.

Sair writes:
I like to read books. The boys read books together. I have fun reading. Reading books is important. Reading books makes you smart.

Rayan, Misael, and Elizanie are playing a math game.
Rayan writes:
We have assembly. We respect the Belize flag. We sign the Belize National Anthem. We stand up straight.

Misael writes:
We win marbles if we are good. We want to fill the jar. When the jar is full, we get a movie. I want to see the Batman movie.

Elizanie writes:
In spelling we practice words. We help each other. We focus, not talk. I got 100%.

JP gives the thumbs up. He's proud he knows how to do his math paper.
JP writes:
We have a turtle. I watch the turtle. The turtle eats banana. The turtle is a boy. We like the turtle. The turtle is fun, cute, and nice. The turtle pulls in his head and hides in his shell.

Kristel, Sulmi and Ginelli are friends. They like to work together.

Kristel writes:
I'm smart in math. I practice. I want to learn and not forget. I focus on my work. I don't chat. I am learning multiplication. I watch the teacher. I write in my math book.

Sulmi writes:
We work in the garden. We clean weeds. We rake grass. We help dig in the dirt. We plant tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, and flowers. We water the garden.

Alejandro likes working in the reading corner.
Alejandro writes:
We learn about respect. We made a movie. I encourage. I'm kind. We're happy.