Thursday, October 15, 2009

Animal Riddles

Can you guess our riddles?
The answers are at the bottom of the page.

Luis writes:
I like to swim in cold water.
I like to eat fish.
I like to play.
I have two flippers.
Who am I?

Misael writes:
I am white and black.
I eat bamboo.
I climb trees.
I am fat.
Who am I?

Sulmi writes:
I am gray.
I have a horn.
I get mad.
I paw my feet in the dirt and charge.
I live in Africa.
Who am I?

Elizanie writes:
I have sharp teeth.
I eat meat.
I have four legs.
I like to run.
I have lots of hair around my face.
Who am I?

Ginelli writes:
I have a pouch.
I keep my baby in my pouch.
I like to jump and hop.
I like to play with friends.
Who am I?

Sair writes:
I like to swim in rivers in Belize.
I eat rats.
I eat eggs.
I am different colors.
I am brown or black or gray.
I don't have legs.
Who am I?

Hipolito writes:
I eat meat.
I have a tail.
My fur is black and orange.
I live in Africa.
I have four legs
My teeth are big.
My feet have claws.
Who am I?

Alejandro writes:
I have feathers.
I have ears.
I live in trees.
I hunt for rats at night.
Who am I?

Kristel writes:
I am orange.
I eat rats.
I have a fat tail.
I have teeth.
I have a little black nose.
I live in the forest.
Who am I?

Answers: seal, panda, rhino, lion, kangaroo, snake, tiger, owl, fox